
Jaimee ratliff

Jaimee Ratliff is an Atlanta-based certified yoga teacher and passionate advocate for living a life she loves.

While Jaimee wholeheartedly believes yoga is accessible to everyone, the desire to share her practice as a teacher stems from a sensitive reality that the yoga community strongly lacks diversity, both on a local and global scale. Jaimee admits it’s rare she finds many people who look like her when she visits studios to practice.

That said, Jaimee is on a mission to invite people of all shapes, sizes, colors, nationalities, and socioeconomic statuses across the world to consider incorporating yoga into their fitness/ self-care regimen, and to feel empowered by knowing, yes! yoga is for each and every one of us. 

Off the mat, she can be found exploring the world, and working earnestly to integrate the same peace, contentment, balance and self love she experiences on the mat, out in everyday life.