Manduka: The story of a mat


We need to confess that we have a love affair with Manduka. Their products equip all our retreats offering a very sophisticated and professional practice experience. We love the duration and their design along with their sustainable ethos and we wanted to find out more about the philosophy and the story behind the brand so we talked to Fanny Bausse, marketing director, of Manduka Europe:

We can confirm that no other mat has been made with the love & precision of Manduka mats. What makes Manduka special?

So pleased to hear! We are putting our heart and soul into our products so this really means a lot to us. Years of research to produce the best mats in the market. A brand built by yogis for yogis, recommended by yoga teachers worldwide. Products loved by more than 4000+ studios and retreats and available in 65 countries. The quality and performance of Manduka mats, performance towels, props, bags and apparel are unmatched in the marketplace. Our products are soulfully engineered to enhance the practice, crafted with the highest standards, sustainable materials and technical innovation.

How did everything start?

It all started with one yogi’s simple idea that a better yoga mat can create a world of difference. 20 years ago Peter Sterios architect by training, yogi by nature designed and developed the PRO mat from his garage. Focused on producing the best product for yogis which leads us to today where we create for our community through Manduka.

What does Manduka mean?

Peter chose the name Manduka in homage to his teacher and mentor, Shandor Remete, whose core practice and teaching always included Mandukasana (or frog pose). The first time Peter heard and repeated the name of the pose he experienced a sense of childlike joy and delight as the sound rolled off his tongue. The joy of Manduka is now spoken in so many countries, all over the world.

4. When would you position the turning point of the brand and what made Manduka a leading brand for yoga lovers across the world?

Manduka is a company built by and for yoga teachers and their students. Our growth is due to the word of mouth recommendations of the yoga community, Manduka is the brand of choice globally for yoga teachers and studios. Without this beautiful community we would not be here today nor would we want to be. We are honored to be part of a like- minded community of studio owners, instructors, students and practitioners who together inspire millions in the practice of becoming our best selves.

5. We're aware that sustainability is at the forefront of the brand and not just a story. What does that mean on a production & development level?

Since the beginnings of the Black Mat, Manduka has been inspired and guided by a responsibility to reduce global consumption by making better products that last longer. We want to encourage the world to consume better.

Each yogi has different needs depending on their practice, journey and likes. Which is why we have various mats throughout our collections to meet all needs of all yogis. Some of the materials we use are more natural than others and some last longer than others. We are on a mission which will never end as we continue to strive for better materials we can use and reuse through multiple lifetimes.

Our design approach is rooted in principles of conservation and transparency, creating mats, towels, props and apparel while making every possible effort to minimize our environmental waste. We believe that our practice and the planet are intertwined. To honour one, we honour both.

6. How is the role of the yoga community important to the brand?

The yoga community is involved from sketch to studio. We are a company of yogis and we consult at every level with our yogic community to ensure we produce and serve the needs of anyone taking to the mat. They are the ones that inform how much grip our mats need, how they transport their product, how they move between their mat and the rest of the world and how their practice evolved.

We also consistently do our best to offer various programs to support yoga professionals and to enable them to deliver the best experiences and teachings to our community. They are part of our Manduka family every step of the way. We have a number of different benefit and reward programs that are designed to empower, encourage and support them through their roles and careers as yoga professionals. Find here opportunities to be part of the Mahduka family.

7. It is undoubtedly the time of the influencers. Are they playing a significant role into your brand's positioning? What are the qualities you are looking for in a Manduka influencer-ambassador?

Our influencers are active yoga teachers that drive our industry forward. Our goal is to bring them the best equipment with ultimate performance and support, which is durable and long lasting. We do partner with influential yoga teachers in various ways from content creation, product testing and offer them exclusive pricing on our products and the opportunity to be part of our teacher reward program along with other support initiatives. We look for experienced yoga teachers that practice with Manduka and that embody our mission statement of inspiring people to be their most empowered selves. If you are here to serve your yoga community then we are here for you.

8. Which are your top 3 bestsellers?

The top favourites of our community are the Manduka PRO and the eKO yoga mat - the ones you can find at Fykiada retreats. Technically superior and highly durable mats that provide support and stability. And adding to that our yogitoes performance towel - a yoga game changer!

9. Your 3 top tips for making a mat last

Each mat requires a different care method. Natural tree rubber mat - eKO Series - will have a shorter lifespan and needs more love compared to a PVC mat - PRO Series. Every time you use your mat, your body is releasing skin and sweat onto the surface. Over time, those materials invite bacteria to grow (which is what causes odour). We recommend using Manduka’s Mat Freshener after every practice to help reduce stains and odour buildup. At least once a week you should follow the instructions to clean your mat, using more of the solution and scrubbing common touch point areas. Very often the mat wash is as much about maintaining the properties and performance of the mat as it is about cleaning the mat. For additional guidance, we’ve sum up how to clean and disinfect your yoga equipment here

11. What would a Manduka retreat look like?

Daily Pranayama sessions, outdoor yoga, meditation, fresh local organic food, wonderful humans surrounded by smiles, nature and a lot of love!