A Day In the Life of Laruga Glaser

Laruga in 28 speedy questions!



I set my alarm clock at: It really depends on my schedule and what is planned. However, usually anywhere from 4:30 to 5:30.

The first thing I do in the morning is: Not always the same thing. However, depending on the day I may wash my face/shower, or make tea, or check my phone.

My morning practice consists of: Yoga practice and meditation

What i love to have for breakfast is: Coffee or Tea

What keeps me disciplined is: The commitment to human/spiritual development


On Travel

I travel a lot and what keeps my routine in check is: Getting enough sleep.

My favourite spot in Stockholm is: Djurgården, a tranquil island - amusement park with amazing spots for walk, sports and culture.

My favourite yoga destination is: I don't have one. There are too many beautiful places in the world.

My favourite love destination is: The same as above. It is too difficult to choose.

What i love about Greece is: The people and the beautiful landscape

My favourite Greek food is: Olives that are obviously local.


Work & Yoga

My work time is divided between: Teaching, researching/organising and administrative duties

My main focus when teaching is always: Teaching the main tenants of yoga practice so each student is empowered to hold the practice within them.

My favourite space to practice is: Wherever I am

My favourite space to meditate is: Same as above

What I like to do apart from yoga is: Reading, Walking in nature, Photography, Art, Writing, Travel, So many things.


Evenings & Rituals

How i love to spend my evenings is: Having a home-cooked dinner with David.

My current diet is: Eating whole foods preferably organically grown/raised.

Do I ever drink? On a rare occasion.

My one guilty pleasure is: I don't know. I don't like to connect guilt with pleasure. "All things in moderation, including moderation."

My favourite ritual before i sleep is: Reading a good book. Currently, “The Art of Possibility” & “The Untold History of the United States”.

I go to sleep at: Depends on the day and my schedule. Usually anywhere between 21:00 to 22:00.


On Love & Humanity

I’m currently at: home  and feeling: content

The biggest personal challenge for me right now is: Not having enough hours in the day.

Social distancing is currently changing: The mindset of some and not for others as is life.

I maintain my love-work balance by: Making space and prioritizing time.

Black Lives Matter revealed a big appropriation on the yoga world. What I think it should change is: The awareness of those who practice yoga. It is much more than one's popularity and physical aptitude. Bravery comes in forms of confronting important issues and circumstances.

The biggest ray of hope for me at this moment is: Anything is possible.

PS: Laruga & David will be leading our Mykonos Ashtanga retreat on 8-13 October 2020. Find out more here