Cultivating Intuition: Insights from Holistic Psychotherapist Kat deVos

Many of us find it challenging to connect with our intuition, that inner voice guiding our decisions and aligning us with our true selves. Recently, we had the opportunity to engage with Kat deVos, a holistic psychotherapist and teacher, who shared practical insights on how to cultivate and reconnect with our intuition.

Kat emphasized the importance of understanding the role of fear.

Tips for Reconnecting with Your Intuition

Here are some practical tips from Kat on how to reconnect with your intuition:

  1. Understanding Fear:

    While fear can accompany growth and change, it often clouds our intuition and leads to indecision. Learning to distinguish between intuitive nudges and fear-based reactions is crucial. Intuition often feels like a surge of energy or a sense of alignment between our mind and body, whereas fear feels heavy and constricting.

  2. Listen to Your Body:
    Pay attention to the subtle signals your body gives you. During moments of uncertainty, take a walk and notice what draws you in or pushes you away. Your body often knows what you need, even when your mind is unsure.

  3. Trust Your Instincts:
    Building trust in your intuition requires practice. Start by honoring those initial gut feelings or hunches. Trusting your body more than your mind can help strengthen this connection over time.

  4. Reflect on Past Experiences:
    Utilize hindsight to identify moments when you ignored your intuition. Consider what might have been different had you listened to that inner voice. This reflection can help you understand your intuitive processes better.

  5. Engage with your inner Wise Counsel:
    Imagine seeking advice from somebody you trust and whose opinion you respect. What guidance would they offer regarding a current decision? This exercise can help clarify your thoughts and encourage you to listen to your inner wisdom.

Kat likens intuition to a muscle that requires consistent exercise to grow stronger. Just as we exercise physically, we need practices that foster our intuitive abilities. With time and dedication, we can better understand what our intuition feels like and be able to be guided by our inner wisdom more often.

Join us in October

This October, we are hosting a retreat with Kat deVos, where you can explore these practices more in-depth.

Ceremony of Self | Euphoria Retreat | 18-23 Oct | Kathleen deVos